How to Treat Brain Cancer Stage 2

To be able to perform the treatment of brain cancer stage 2 we must first be able to recognize and know, what causes it and how the characteristics and symptoms. Because the effects of brain cancer is very much that can interfere with other organs.

Early symptoms of brain cancer is very difficult to know. These symptoms will be felt and known after the patient went into stage 2. This leads to the difficulty of detection delay treatment step.

 Research shows that there are two main causes of brain cancer, namely:
1. Change of DNA
Brain cancer can be caused by changes in DNA structure (Deoxyribo nucleid Acid) that growth can not be controlled. The cause of these DNA changes are due to an unhealthy lifestyle, such as the use of HP is too long which causes the body is exposed to radiation, smoking and inhaling cigarette smoke, as well as the presence of infections caused by certain viruses. Patients are usually less sensitive to changes or signs of cancer that exist in the body was, so that when the body is experiencing the condition of the drop, it was discovered that the patient had suffered brain cancer 2.

2. The spread of cancer cells from the Organ Other
Cancer cells can spread throughout the brain tissue is no exception. Someone who has cancer that is not in the brain, could have brain cancer because of the spread of cancer cells that spread to the brain. This can occur in patients with breast cancer, kidney cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, and even skin cancer in acute conditions.

Here are some alternative treatments that can be taken to cure brain cancer, namely:1. Operation. Of course, surgery should be performed by a specialist nerve. Operations can be performed when the location is already known for certain cancers and doctors decided surgery is quite possible, because it can cause side effects such as bleeding and possible infection.
2. Routine therapy. Efforts routine therapy such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy. As a result of this treatment did brain cancer patients stage 2 can become irritated scalp to hair loss, nausea followed by vomiting, and fatigue.
3. Discipline. Patients with brain cancer stage 2 should be disciplined in taking drugs given enumerated by the doctor regularly and on time.
4. Today many emerging alternative medicine or traditional. It never hurts to try, but must remain in the supervision of a physician.

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