Prevention is better than cure, but the expression is very difficult to do if we do not realize it. In order to prevent that do not suffer from cancer, then we should be able to recognize some of the causes of cancer, which is associated with bad habits and unhealthy eating patterns.
Behave healthy living and eating natural foods is still the most appropriate action to prevent cancer.
Behave healthy living and eating natural foods is still the most appropriate action to prevent cancer.
Here's How To Prevent The Most Convenient Cancer Naturally? 1. Do not smoke.
The habit of smoking can cause cancer. Third of people who died from cancer caused by smook. Mokok can cause lung cancer, throat cancer, mouth cancer, pancreas, kidney, bladder, cervical cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, tongue cancer, and rectum.
2. Familiarize Consuming Create and Vegetables.
Research shows that people who consume foods with high fiber content such as green vegetables, fruits, or with low-fat meat, then they will have much less risk of developing various cancers.
3. Maintaining Ideal Body Weight to Keep.
Usually overweight it will lead to a variety of risks such as high cholesterol. With the high cholesterol can cause various diseases, including cancer. The cancer usually occurs in people who are obese as kidney cancer, esophagus, endometrium, colon cancer, rectal, cervical cancer, breast cancer and other organs.
4. Doing Sports Regularly.
Relates well by preventing cancer in point 3, because exercise can lower high cholesterol so that regular exercise can prevent cancer. A research shows that exercising for 30 minutes a day is very important. The way it is proven to reduce the risk of colon cancer and possibly even breast cancer.
5. Avoid Alcoholic Beverages.
Alcohol can cause liver cancer, breast cancer, brain cancer, cancer of the colon, rectum, pharynx, larynx, mouth, throat and esophagus. An alcohol drinkers who also smoke will be very susceptible to cancer.
6. Avoiding Day Sunlight Direct.
Exposed to the sun continuously in broad daylight is very harmful for the body. Especially on the skin. Research shows that excessive sun exposure is the number one cause of skin cancer.
7. Avoiding Carcinogens.
Carcinogens are substances that cause cancer. Avoid these substances by ridding the environment of toxic chemicals and various causes of cancer. Make sure the air and the water we drink is something that hygienic, eat food free of nitrates, pesticides and toxins and free from radiation exposure. Avoid foods that contain preservatives and artificial coloring.
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