How to Treat Brain Cancer Stage 2

To be able to perform the treatment of brain cancer stage 2 we must first be able to recognize and know, what causes it and how the characteristics and symptoms. Because the effects of brain cancer is very much that can interfere with other organs.

Early symptoms of brain cancer is very difficult to know. These symptoms will be felt and known after the patient went into stage 2. This leads to the difficulty of detection delay treatment step.

 Research shows that there are two main causes of brain cancer, namely:
1. Change of DNA
Brain cancer can be caused by changes in DNA structure (Deoxyribo nucleid Acid) that growth can not be controlled. The cause of these DNA changes are due to an unhealthy lifestyle, such as the use of HP is too long which causes the body is exposed to radiation, smoking and inhaling cigarette smoke, as well as the presence of infections caused by certain viruses. Patients are usually less sensitive to changes or signs of cancer that exist in the body was, so that when the body is experiencing the condition of the drop, it was discovered that the patient had suffered brain cancer 2.

2. The spread of cancer cells from the Organ Other
Cancer cells can spread throughout the brain tissue is no exception. Someone who has cancer that is not in the brain, could have brain cancer because of the spread of cancer cells that spread to the brain. This can occur in patients with breast cancer, kidney cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, and even skin cancer in acute conditions.

Here are some alternative treatments that can be taken to cure brain cancer, namely:1. Operation. Of course, surgery should be performed by a specialist nerve. Operations can be performed when the location is already known for certain cancers and doctors decided surgery is quite possible, because it can cause side effects such as bleeding and possible infection.
2. Routine therapy. Efforts routine therapy such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy. As a result of this treatment did brain cancer patients stage 2 can become irritated scalp to hair loss, nausea followed by vomiting, and fatigue.
3. Discipline. Patients with brain cancer stage 2 should be disciplined in taking drugs given enumerated by the doctor regularly and on time.
4. Today many emerging alternative medicine or traditional. It never hurts to try, but must remain in the supervision of a physician.

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Brain Cancer Symptoms characteristic traits that Easy Understood

Brain cancer is a frightening disease that can result in vatal for the sufferer. Brain cancer is different from other types of cancer, which can affect all ages from age children, adolescents, adults, to parents. For that we must be alert to the possibility of brain cancer is attacking us in a way we have to know the characteristics and symptoms of brain cancer.

Brain tumor is a disease that attacks the brain. Because the brain is one of the most important organs of the body, other organs can be disrupted, so that death may occur. Brain tumors can affect anyone, even children and adolescents, but in general the tumor to attack the productive age or older.

If we have to know the characteristics and symptoms, then we would be able to prevent it before it struck us and family. 

Here are the characteristics and symptoms of brain cancer as our guide to be able to detect it early:
1. Pain in the Head. 
Extreme pain in the head caused by the growth of cancer cells in the brain, which gives the pressure inside the skull that can spread to the nerves and causes damage to the nerves vatal. Headache in patients with brain cancer is not the usual type of headache. The signs are headaches that occur in unusual places, such as at the back of the head, or on the back of the ear. The headache is usually also will feel increasingly common to sometimes cause nausea.
2. Disturbance of vision. 
Perceived visual impairment as a result of severe head pain, such as blurred vision, ghosting, faint, or into a double.
3. Numb. 
There are several members of the body that can not be freely moved, such as the feet and hands. Furthermore, you will often feel epileptic seizures without interruption, and difficult to maintain balance.
4. Symptoms occur Behavioural change. 
Attitude and personality of a person who suffered a brain cancer will change. Response or the response to the problems faced downward trend.

Because brain cancer is found in the head, it will be very difficult to recognize, therefore, should we have to do an intensive examination to the doctor in order to prevent it.

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How To Prevent The Most Convenient Cancer Naturally?

Prevention is better than cure, but the expression is very difficult to do if we do not realize it. In order to prevent that do not suffer from cancer, then we should be able to recognize some of the causes of cancer, which is associated with bad habits and unhealthy eating patterns.

Behave healthy living and eating natural foods is still the most appropriate action to prevent cancer.  

Here's How To Prevent The Most Convenient Cancer Naturally? 1. Do not smoke.
The habit of smoking can cause cancer. Third of people who died from cancer caused by smook. Mokok can cause lung cancer, throat cancer, mouth cancer, pancreas, kidney, bladder, cervical cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, tongue cancer, and rectum.

2. Familiarize Consuming Create and Vegetables. 
Research shows that people who consume foods with high fiber content such as green vegetables, fruits, or with low-fat meat, then they will have much less risk of developing various cancers.
3. Maintaining Ideal Body Weight to Keep. 
Usually overweight it will lead to a variety of risks such as high cholesterol. With the high cholesterol can cause various diseases, including cancer. The cancer usually occurs in people who are obese as kidney cancer, esophagus, endometrium, colon cancer, rectal, cervical cancer, breast cancer and other organs.
4. Doing Sports Regularly. 
Relates well by preventing cancer in point 3, because exercise can lower high cholesterol so that regular exercise can prevent cancer. A research shows that exercising for 30 minutes a day is very important. The way it is proven to reduce the risk of colon cancer and possibly even breast cancer.
5. Avoid Alcoholic Beverages. 
Alcohol can cause liver cancer, breast cancer, brain cancer, cancer of the colon, rectum, pharynx, larynx, mouth, throat and esophagus. An alcohol drinkers who also smoke will be very susceptible to cancer.
6. Avoiding Day Sunlight Direct.
Exposed to the sun continuously in broad daylight is very harmful for the body. Especially on the skin. Research shows that excessive sun exposure is the number one cause of skin cancer.
7. Avoiding Carcinogens. 
Carcinogens are substances that cause cancer. Avoid these substances by ridding the environment of toxic chemicals and various causes of cancer. Make sure the air and the water we drink is something that hygienic, eat food free of nitrates, pesticides and toxins and free from radiation exposure. Avoid foods that contain preservatives and artificial coloring.

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Characteristic feature of Liver Cancer Symptoms in Advanced Stage

Liver cancer is a disease in which are usually difficult to detect by naked eye by us as laymen. Liver cancer is a malignant tumor disease that is very dangerous that can cause damage to the form and function of the liver. This cancer can occur in all age groups, but rarely found in young age.

Liver cancer at an advanced stage characteristics or signs or symptoms are very clear as a common symptom.
In the advanced stages of cancer spread very quickly, one way to handle is to perform the operation, but it also usually less able to help. Another alternative cancer treatment that we can do is with alternative medicine with herbal medicine and cancer can also be combined with medical treatment.
Is Liver Cancer Symptoms characteristic feature in Advanced Stage?

 In some cases there are times when alternative medicine with herbal medicine is also able to cure it.

As we katahui together, that prevention is better than cure. The expression we have known since school, so before severe circumstances should we must always be vigilant.

We also have to have a healthy lifestyle behaviors, namely:
1. Run a healthy lifestyle.
2. Avoid foods that contain chemicals.
3. Avoid always factors causing cancer risk common to bad habits and also the food.
4. Exercise regularly.

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Characteristic feature of Liver Cancer Symptoms in Early Stage

Liver cancer is a cancer that arises from the heart, and not due to malignancies of other organs that spread to the liver or hepatic metastases. Clinical signs and symptoms that can be found, among others, hepatomegaly or liver enlargement, abdominal pain, jaundice, or other liver disorders.

Here are the characteristics of the symptoms of liver cancer at an early stage which can be detected, namely:

1. In the early stages of this disease runs slowly.
2. Most felt without complaint.
3. More than 75% did not give the typical symptoms.
4. In fact, there are patients whose cancer has grown by as much as 10 centimeters meters still yet to feel something happening.
5. A common complaint is the presence of a mass in the upper abdomen stomach.

In general, liver cancer at an early stage asymptomatic and without complaint clear. Liver cancer will cause symptoms if they have entered an advanced stage.

For that we have to be careful and observant to a variety of disorders that occur in our bodies. We have to do a routine check-up to the doctor to detect it.

avoid liver cancer, we must get used to living a healthy lifestyle, which is a healthy diet and exercising regularly.

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Is Liver Cancer Characteristics General Can Recognized?

Cancer is a disease that can lead to death are very high, both in Indonesia and in the world. Liver cancer is a malignant tumor that causes damage to the form and function of the liver. This cancer can occur in all age groups, but rarely found in young age.
To be able to perform the treatment from the beginning, then we should be able to recognize the characteristics of liver cancer early. 

The following are some of the traits characteristic symptoms of liver cancer commonly occurs in both early stage and advanced stage:

1. There is a lump or mass in the upper right abdomen.
This obviously is due to the growth of abnormal cells.
2. Swollen feet and hands visible.
Lack of appetite, body feels weak, weight decreased drastically, in the morning fever, and chills usually at night.
3. The change of color of the skin and whites of the eyes that turn yellow.
4. Black-colored feces and urine tea-colored water.
5. Common symptoms of cancer as quickly exhausted and the body feels weak.
6. Often feel pain in the back and shoulders.
7. Sometimes coughing or vomiting blood.
8. Because of the mass causing a distended abdomen and upper abdominal pain.

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