How to Treat Liver Cancer Most Secure?

How to Treat Liver Cancer Most Secure? - Liver cancer is a serious disease that causes death. Liver cancer must be detected early to be treated properly. Treatment of liver cancer depends on the stage of the cancer, the size and rate of spread of the cancer and the patient's general health condition.

5 primary liver cancer treatment procedure used is as follows: 
1. surgery
2. tumor ablation
3. chemotherapy
4. targeted cancer therapy
5. radiotherapy

1. SurgerySurgery has the potential for healing and a treatment procedure of choice for patients with early stage HCC. If only a portion of liver cancer and other liver healthy, then surgical procedures can be performed to remove the cancer. This type of surgical procedure called a liver resection. Another shape of the surgical procedure is liver transplant. This procedure involves removal of the entire liver and replace it with an organ donor heart is still healthy. Major surgical procedure like this done when cancer is found only in the liver and liver donor is available. When the surgical procedure is not possible, then other methods of treatment will be given to control cancer growth, thus reducing the effects / symptoms of cancer and improve the quality of life of patients
2. Tumor AblationAims to destroy tumor ablation of primary liver cancer cells with heat (radiofrequency ablation: RFA) or with alcohol (percutaneous ethanol injection; PEI). This procedure is generally performed in the department where ultrasound or CT scanning can help physicians to direct the needle through the skin and into the cancer is in the heart. This procedure uses local anesthesia. RFA treatment uses laser light or radio waves are delivered through the needle toward the cancer to destroy the cancer cells. PEI treatment of alcohol use were injected in through a needle to destroy the cancer cells. Tumor ablation can be performed repeatedly when the tumor grew back.

3. Chemotherapy Chemotherapy is the use of anticancer drugs to destroy cancer cells or stop their growth. This procedure can help control cancer by shrinking the cancer and slow growth. Chemotherapy drugs are generally given by injection in a vein (intravenously), although sometimes can be given in tablet form. Chemotherapy can also be given as part of a treatment called chemo embolization. Porses chemo embolization involves injecting chemotherapy drugs directly to the cancer in the liver, along with a gel or small plastic bead to block blood flow to the cancer (embolization). Not all chemotherapy patients can undergo this procedure because it requires a careful procedure that is able to function properly.

4. targeted cancer therapyTargeted cancer therapies (Targeted Cancer Therapy) uses drugs or other treatments to prevent the growth and spread of cancer by interference at specific molecules involved in cancer growth. One cure for targeted cancer therapy called Sorafenib can be used to treat patients with advanced stage HCC. Sorafenib attack cancer by preventing cancer develops its own blood vessels. Cancer cells require a blood supply to carry nutrients and oxygen. Sorafenib is used to limit the ability of the cancer to develop. Sorafenib has been through two major clinical trials in patients with advanced stage HCC, compared with those treated only with supportive care. Sorafenib is a tablet that is generally given two times a day. Side effects are given including diarrhea, fatigue, nausea and high blood pressure.

5. RadiotherapyRadiotherapy uses high-energy rays to destroy cancer cells or stop their growth. External radiation therapy uses a machine that is used externally on the body to deliver radiation to the cancer. This treatment procedure is rarely used in patients with HCC for liver cancer can not be exposed to high radiation. However, this procedure can reduce pain, such as in patients whose cancer has spread to the bone. As an alternative procedure, the internal radiation which uses a radioactive substance delivered selectively to the cancer through the arteries that deliver blood to the liver (hepatic artery).

If we can prevent liver cancer? The answer is that it can. There are some things we can do to prevent liver cancer, which is as follows:
1. Vaccination against hepatitis B virus
2. Avoid consuming materials containing carcinogens liver, especially alcohol.
3. Avoid fatty meats and animal fats. Avoid moldy peanuts and wheat.
4. Perform regular screening if you are in a group with a high risk of cancer.

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3 Process Basic Mechanisms of Cancer Metastasis to Bone other organs

Metastasis is the spread of cancer cells from other organs to bone typically from prostate cancer, lung, and breast cancer to bone.

The process of bone metastases occur in three basic mechanisms, as follows:1. Expansion directly
2. Following the flow of venous blood
3. Following tumor emboli through the bloodstream and lymphatic

 Here is the basic mechanism of metastasis process:1. Cells from the primary tumor to follow the flow of the blood vessels to the capillaries in the bone.
2. Aggregation between tumor cells and other blood cells to form capillary embolism in the distal part of the bone.
3. Upon entering the bone, the cancer cells will begin to flourish.
4. Cancer cells that have spread to the bones can cause severe bone damage.
5. Tumor cells secrete chemical substances that can stimulate osteoclast-like prostaglandin E (PGE), several types of cytokines, and growth factors such as (TGF) α and β, epidermal growth factor (EGF), (TNF), and IL-1.
6. Excessive osteoclast will cause excessive bone resorption as well. This causes the bones are not solid. This process is called osteolytic. This process occurs in the process of bone metastases by breast cancer.
7. Tumor cells can also secrete chemical substances that can cause uncontrolled bone formation. This process is called osteoblastic or osteosklerotik. Examples of this process is metastasis to bone by prostate cancer. Both of these types of disorders can cause pain and weaker than normal bone so that it becomes easier to break.

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Differences in Bone Cancer Bone Cancer Primary and Secondary

Bone cancer is a type of cancer that is dangerous and we must be cautious. Based on the origin of bone cancer can be divided into two, namely from the bone itself and spread from other organs. Bone cancer is usually a malignant tumor.

lassified primary bone malignancy histologically by the type of cell or tissue underlying. The types including bone, cartilage, fibrous tissue, and vascular reticuloendothelial.
 In general, bone cancer is divided into two kinds, namely: 1. Secondary bone cancer
2. Primary bone cancer

Here are the differences primary bone cancer and secondary bone cancer:1. Primary bone cancer is cancer that is caused by cancer cells derived from the bone itself or the place where the growth of cancer cells in the bones.
2. While the secondary bone cancer is bone cancer caused by cancer cells derived from other organs and spread to other bones.

In general secondary bone cancer occurs as a result of complications from a previous cancer such as lung cancer that spread to the bone and then develop into bone cancer.

Some types of cancer can cause cancer cells to spread to the bone-cartilage and vulnerable to attack cancer cells from pre-existing cancer in the body, the most common type of cancer and the cancer cells spread to the bone, such as:
1. lung cancer
2. breast cancer
3. prostate cancer

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4 Malignant Tumors Metastatic to Bone Frequently (bone cancer)

Cancer or tumor of bone is a term that can be used for abnormal bone growth, but more generally used for primary bone tumors, such as osteosarcoma, chondrosarkoma, Ewing's sarcoma and other sarcoma.

Usually occurs due to metastatic bone cancer, a cancer that first attack other organs and then spread to the bone.

 Here are some types of malignant tumors that frequently metastasize to bone, namely:1. Prostate Cancer. Prostate cancer is the most frequently suffered by men. Almost all types of osteblastik.
2. Breast Cancer. Breast cancer usually affects women. 2/3 cases of breast cancer metastasizes to the bone. Almost all types of oteolitik, approximately 10% osteoblastic, 10% mix.
3. Lung Cancer. Incidence of metastasis of lung cancer was 1/3 of cases, almost all types of osteolytic.
4. Kidney Cancer. Solitary kidney cancer often so difficult to distinguish and the primary tumor, the type oteolitik.

Multypel myeloma is a malignant tumor of bone, with clinical symptoms: 
1. constant pain
2. back pain which is sometimes accompanied by radicular
3. weakness motion.

While the common symptoms of Multypel myeloma is:1. anemia
2. anorexia
3. vomiting
4. psychological disorders

Radiologis picture is visible bone density is reduced due to osteoporosis with areas osteoloitik raferaksi round in the bone marrow. This picture can be shaped holes are small punch (punched out) whose shape varies and demarcated radiolucent area.

Location: tumors derived from bone marrow and other ketulang spread, most often the spine, pelvis, ribs, sternum, and skull.

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Symptoms of Brain Cancer Early Stage Most Easily Understood

Brain cancer is a deadly disease that attacks the brain in the form of their meat grown in the brain. The brain is an organ that is very important to be always maintained his health. This is because the brain is the source of all the activities of other organs. At the time of brain disorder, then the function of other organs will be disturbed as well.

Brain cancer is very dangerous. The danger of brain cancer resulting in death and can affect anyone.

In order for brain cancer could soon be overcome, it is necessary to detect early on, so it can be handled more quickly, early detection can improve the quality and life expectancy of patients with cancer. The importance of detecting early symptoms of brain cancer should be introduced so that the development of cancer cells can be suppressed and could subsequently be eliminated.

Symptoms of Brain Cancer Early Stage Most Easily Understood are as follows:
1. Patients with early-stage brain cancer will experience frequent headachesHeadaches caused by brain located in the head, so that people with early-stage brain cancer will often feel a headache. Moreover, if the frequency of headaches very often, then it should immediately conduct investigation into the doctor. Perceived headaches usually occur suddenly and subsequent periodic increasingly being felt and did not stop.

2. Patients with early-stage brain cancer will find it difficult to walk because the body feels weakSomeone diseased brain cancer experiencing strange symptoms, which would find it difficult to do the heavy work. Patients with early-stage brain cancer will undergo metabolic disturbance. The imbalance of the body's metabolism resulting unbalanced energy supply, so it will have difficulty moving and walking.

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Origin of occurrence of Bone Cancer Metastasis Through

Metastasis is derived from the Greek word meaning "change of status", ie the spread of cancer from the original site to other places in the body, such as brain, liver, or breast bone. Cancer cells can break away from the primary tumor, enter the blood vessels, participated circulate in the bloodstream, and grow in normal tissues distant from the tumor of origin.

Cancer is identical with the bump. Bumps on the person does not always connote bad, but if the lump is located on the body part that is not this certainly should be aware, it is feared that an early sign of bone cancer.

Metastatic carcinoma is a cancer or spread of cancer cells out of the place of origin (primary site) to another place or another body part. Cancer cells can exit from a malignant primary tumor which then spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream or lymph flow.

 Metastasis also can occur through direct deployment. If the cancer cells through the lymphatic flow, the cells can be trapped in the lymph nodes, usually closest to the primary location. When a cell goes through the bloodstream, then these cells can spread throughout the body then begins to grow and then form new tumors. This process is called metastasis. Bone is one of the most frequent target organ metastasis into place.

Metastases can occur in any bone, and also in other body parts. Usually (not always) cause local pain. Tumor metastasis is usually destructive ends (lytic) and fracture can occur when the bones become weak. Sometimes it seems density (especially when the primary tumor of the prostate or breast). Rarely seen in periosteal new bone formation (when compared to the primary tumor). Most importantly, almost always multiple, occur in different bones. Rarely can be identified primary tumor from which the metastasis originated. (Tucker.1993).

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4 Piece that can Cause Brain Cancer Mortality

Brain cancer is a cancer that is present in human brain tissue, which is a set mass of brain cells grow abnormally and out of control. Most brain cancers can spread through brain tissue, but rarely spreads to other parts of our body.

Brain cancer is different from other cancers. Cancer of the brain or spinal cord known to rarely spread to other organs. Brain cancer cause local damage to normal brain tissue damage only in places where they appear. Brain cancer is a malignant cancer that can continue to grow and can lead to death.

 Here are 4 Piece Brain Cancer Cause of Death:
1. Glioma
Gliomas are tumors that start from a group of glial cells. Tumors including gliomas, among others:
a. glioblastoma
b. astrocytomas
c. oligodendrogliomas
d. ependymomas

Most tumors that arise in the brain itself begins in glial cells called astrocytes. These tumors are called astrocytomas. Most astrocytomas can spread widely throughout the brain and fused with normal brain tissue, making it very difficult for surgery. These tumors can also spread along the main nerve system.

Astrocytomas divided into three groups, namely:a. Low-grade astrocytomas: type the slowest growing
b. Anaplastic astrocytomas: growing at a moderate rate
c. The highest grade astrocytoma (or glioblastoma): Type the 3rd is the fastest growing. These tumors make up about 2/3 of astrocytomas and is the most common type of brain cancer (malignant) that affect adults.

Oligodendrogliomas are tumors that begin to grow in the brain cells called oligodendrocytes. Such as astrocytomas, most can infiltrate into nearby brain tissue and can not be completely removed by surgery. Oligodendrogliomas sometimes scattered throughout the central nervous system pathways but rarely spread outside the brain or spinal cord. Very aggressive type of tumor is known as anaplastic oligodendrogliomas. Only about 3% of brain tumors manifold oligodendrogliomas.

EpendymomasEpendymomas is a type of tumor that is derived from the ependymal cells that line the ventricles. Ependymomas can obstruct the outflow of the central nervous system of the ventricles, causing a condition called hydrocephalus.

Astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas Unlike, ependymomas usually do not grow infiltrate normal brain tissue. As a result, some (but not all) ependymomas can be completely removed and cured by surgery. Spinal ependymomas have the greatest chance to be cured through surgery. Ependymomas can spread along the CSF pathways but do not spread outside the brain or spinal cord. Its most aggressive form known as anaplastic ependymomas and usually can not be cured by surgery. Only about 2% of brain tumors manifold ependymomas

2. MeningiomaMeningiomas arise from the meninges, the layer of tissue that surrounds the outside of the brain and spinal cord. Meningioma contribute to about 1 in 3 primary brain cancer and cancer of the spinal cord. They are the most common brain tumor in adults.

The risk of these tumors increases with age. They were about two times more common in women. In some cases these tumors are genetic (inherited), particularly in those with neurofibromatosis (benign tumor syndrome in nerve tissue).

Meningiomas cause symptoms by pressing the brain or spinal cord. About 4 out of 5 meningiomas are benign, and most can be cured with surgery. But some meningiomas grow very close to vital structures in the brain and can not be cured with surgery alone. A small number of meningiomas are malignant and may come back many times after surgery or even spread to other parts of the body.

3. MedulloblastomasMedulloblastomas is growing tumors of neuroectodermal cells (primitive nerve cells) in the cerebellum. They are a fast-growing cancer and often spread throughout the cerebrospinal fluid pathways, but they can be treated with radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Medulloblastomas occur more frequently in children than in adults. They are part of a class of tumor called primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNETs) that can occur in a large brain and elsewhere in the central nervous system.

4. GangliogliomasTumor-containing neurons and glial cells called ganglioglioma. It is very rare in adults and has a high prospect of cure with surgery alone or surgery combined with radiotherapy.

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Really, Smoke Can Cause Lung Cancer?

One of the diseases caused by cigarette smoke is a disease of lung cancer. Cigarette smoke is a factor that led to deaths caused by cancer. Compounds that cause cancer are called carcinogens.

Benzopirene is dangerous carcinogens contained in tobacco smoke. Benzopirene causes lung cancer cells.

 Tar and resins are substances that act as boosters cancer cells grow faster. In patients with lung cancer at baseline showed the following symptoms:
breathing shallow
2. cough mucus or phlegm
3. weight loss
4. decrease in physical endurance

Smokers are responsible for 3 of every 4 deaths from lung cancer. They are also more susceptible to cancer of the esophagus, pharynx, larynx, mouth, pancreas, and bladder than nonsmokers.

Dangerous chemical substances contained in cigarette smoke include:1. ammonia
2. cyanide
3. nitrogen oxides

Cigarettes also contain tar and resin. Tar is formed from the combustion of hydrocarbons tobacco. Resin is a compound that is yellowish brown. Tar and resin together with hot mengiritir surface mucous membranes of the respiratory tract that will be generated a lot of mucus and damage the vibrating hairs are widely available on the surface, consequently the dirt is difficult to get out.

Vibrating hairs found on the surface of the mucous membrane will be damaged by the substances contained in cigarette smoke can lead to persistent cough cough reflex as an attempt to remove the dirt. Cigarette smoke also reduces the sensitivity of the sense of smell in the nasal cavity and the sense of taste on the tongue so that smokers decreased appetite.

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2 Various Tumors or cancer to Endanger Lives

Tumor is a medical term that in the foreign language is referred to as cancer. Meaning tumor growth of body tissue which is not according to the comparison of anatomical and not look at the surrounding tissues. Examples of tumors of bone. Under normal circumstances bone growth in harmony with other tissues, until there is harmony in the body shape. In a state of abnormal bone tissue as if it has its own sovereignty. The network grows their own way regardless of anatomical boundaries.

Bone tissue was growing bigger and bigger and give the insistence of the tissues around it. When the blood vessels or nerves are depressed, it will certainly arise symptoms concerned. Tumors can be derived from various tissues, for example from mucous membranes, muscles, nerves, cartilage, skin, lung and others.

Basically tumors can be divided into two major categories, namely:1. benign tumors
2. malignant tumors

Tumor (Latin; swelling) appoint an abnormal mass of tissue, but can be a "malignant" (cancerous) or "benign" (not cancerous). Only malignant tumors are able to invade other tissues or metastasize.
2 Various Tumors or cancer to Endanger Lives We

Fast onset of malignant tumors, not bersimpai and network growth towards ubiquitous, penetrate the tissues around it and can hold the tumor spread to other parts. Within a few months the patient was once its decline.

Treatment options are surgery and / or irradiation with a beam of X-rays or Cobalt. The question that is always asked by students in each class is: Is it true that smoking can cause slow square lung cancer?
The answer: can! Hopefully, this brief explanation would be clear what is meant by the tumor.

When normal cells are damaged or old, they undergo cell death accidental by the body (apoptosis) (1); cancer cells (B) avoid apoptosis and continue to divide.

Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by uncontrolled cell division and the ability of these cells to invade other tissues, either by direct growth into adjacent tissue (invasion) or by migration of cells to distant sites (metastasis).

Uncontrolled growth is caused by damage to DNA, causing mutations in vital genes that control cell division. Some fruit mutations may be required to convert normal cells into cancer cells. These mutations are often caused by chemical or physical agents called carcinogens. Mutations can occur spontaneously (acquired) or inherited (germline mutations).

Cancer can cause many different symptoms, depending on the location and character of the malignancy and whether there is metastasis. A definitive diagnosis usually requires the microscopic examination of tissue obtained by biopsy. Once diagnosed, cancer is usually treated with surgery, chemotherapy and / or radiation. If untreated, most cancers causing death; Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in developing countries. Most cancers can be treated and cured, especially if treatment is started early.

Many forms of cancer associated with environmental factors that could have been avoided. Smoking tobacco can cause cancers of other environmental factors. Diagnosing cancer: Most cancers recognized as signs or symptoms appear or through a "screening". Both of these do not lead to a clear diagnosis, which usually requires a biopsy. Some cancers are found by accident during the medical evaluation of unrelated issues.

Cancer Research: Cancer Research is a scientific endeavor that much occupied to understand disease processes and discover therapies that allow. Although the understanding of cancer has grown exponentially since the last decade of the 20th century, a radical new therapy just discovered and introduced gradually. Tyrosine kinases inhibitors (imatinib and gefitinib) in the late 1990s was considered a major breakthrough; they interfere primarily with tumor-specific proteins. Monoclonal antibodies have proved a major step in the oncological treatment.

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At Brain Cancer Symptoms What to Perceived?

Early detection of brain cancer symptoms very well to prevent widespread and worsening of this dreaded disease. Symptoms of brain cancer are difficult to identify because it is in the head.

As a layman, we do not have the capability for early detection and the ability to know the exact location of the tumor in the brain, therefore leave it to the experts.

brain cancer grows in the head can be caused by genetic damage, as in the case of neurofibromatosis and Turcot syndrome. Research shows that brain radiation exposure often increases the risk of brain cancer in the next 20 to 30 years.

Here are the symptoms of brain cancer in general is often the case, namely:
1. Patients often experience pain or severe headache in the back of the head and behind the ears.
2. Unlike the usual headaches, cancer patients, pain can arise in a depressed head felt like a long time and attack sufferers repeatedly.
3. The emergence of nausea.
4. The body became limp. Most of her brain cancer patient feels weak and lackluster.
5. Difficult to walk. When walking, the body such as loss of balance and faint. This is because the control activity in the body because the brain is interrupted by tumbuhnyan cancer cells in the brain.
6. Disruption of the sense of hearing and sense of vision. The brain cancer patients are usually difficult to hear and see. Sufferers will experience reduced hearing and vision. These symptoms will be the concomitant growth of cancer cells in the brain.
7. Numbness in the feet and hands. For brain cancer patients will experience a nervous breakdown in both organs, namely the feet and hands so often experience numbness.

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